Sustainability in Manufacturing Virtual Conference
December 1, 2021 | 8:15 a.m. – 11 a.m.

There are substantial benefits for manufacturing companies to develop and invest in sustainability strategies. Operational efficiency, cost and waste reduction, workforce attraction, customer expansion, long term business viability, regulatory compliance and public trust are just some of them. And a commitment to sustainability not only directly impacts businesses but also the communities in which they operate and the world in which we live.

If sustainability is a long-range goal, but the costs seem unsustainable to your company, you’re not alone. You may think it’s unrealistic that your company can achieve sustainability, but you can, and our industry experts will show you how.

Wherever your company is on the sustainability path, join us to hear from local, national, and global manufacturing firm leaders who will help you move forward. Regardless of your company’s size, sector, or grasp of the subject matter, you’ll leave with practical strategies to begin or enhance your own journey to sustainability and positively impact the greater good.