On December 1, 2021, Regional Manufacturing Institute of Maryland, along with Presenting Partners MD Energy Administration and MD Department of Commerce, hosted a virtual “Sustainability in Manufacturing Conference.” With financial support from Presenting Sponsors CFG Bank and MD MEP, the program was designed to present sustainability insights and actionable ideas for manufacturers of all sizes, in any industry sector. The opening remarks and panel discussions featured the following local, national and global manufacturing industry leaders from Aquafin, C-Care, Hamilton Associates, McCormick, MD MEP, MD Energy Administration, Stanley Black & Decker, Strategic Factory, Textron Systems and Xometry.

The panel discussions were informative and lively with panelists being very upfront in sharing their sustainability questions, concerns, strengths, areas for improvement and creative ideas. The discussions generated interest in follow-on sustainability programming and the development of local manufacturer peer groups that can connect on a regular basis to help each other begin or advance on their journey to sustainability. Stay tuned for future sustainability programming and peer group updates. (If you are a Maryland manufacturer and would like to ensure that you are made aware of these programs and peer group participation opportunities, email In the meantime, you can view the Sustainability in Manufacturing Conference recordings below.

  1. Opening Remarks
  2. Session 1: Sustainability in Manufacturing: Good for Business, Communities & the World
  3. Session 2: Sustainability in Action: Where to Begin

Special thank you to our other conference supporters:

  1. RSM US
  2. Green Bay Packaging
  3. Hamilton Associates
  4. Lion Brothers
  5. Stanley Black & Decker
  6. Textron Systems
  7. EAGB
  8. Frederick County Office of Economic Development
  9. MBDA Advanced Manufacturing Center Baltimore
  10. MEDA
  11. MD World Class Consortia