Hogan MikeDear Friends,

Last night I was at the home of former U.S. Senator and US Labor Secretary, Bill Brock and his wife Sandy. I have known Bill and Sandy for many years, Bill was a co-chair, with Ray Marshall, of a significant visionary report in the 1980’s – “America’s Choice: High Skills or Low Wages“.  We discussed today’s job situation and the impact of technology on job loss. I encouraged him to write a new report on America’s Choice today.

Governor Hogan and I talked about jobs for manufacturing and future legislation to help grow our manufacturingHaley Barbour, Mike Galiazzo Bill Brock base. I presented him with a 3D printed “RMI of Maryland” gift for speaking at our 25th anniversary gala. It was produced by Jan Baum, 3D Innovations Institute. Joining us was former Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, who did a fantastic job attracting manufacturing to Mississippi when he was Governor.  RMI member Peter Bowie of Ellicott Dredges and his wife were in attendance.
