The Regional Manufacturing Institute of Maryland (RMI) has developed a partnership with renowned economist Anirban Basu, Chairman & CEO of Sage Policy Group, in a New Directions initiative, to engage Maryland manufacturers in galvanizing stakeholder support of our industry during this critical juncture in Maryland’s economy.
As a kick-off to this new initiative, RMI and Anirban launched a webinar series to help manufacturers and manufacturing stakeholders better understand the “new-normal” working environment, as the world has changed. As manufacturing executives grapple with a multitude of issues with ramping back up, RMI and the Sage Policy Group framed the larger picture and what that may mean for Maryland manufacturers and how we might increase our competitive position for the future.
These webinars provided a wide variety of topics which included COVID-19’s impact on the global and local supply chains and the threats and opportunities that has presented to manufacturers; the impact reshoring has had in other states some tactics that Maryland might undertake to benefit as well and the keys to growth in Maryland manufacturing. We then wrapped up the series with an interactive lively discussion to take the pulse of industry and get their input on such important issues such as future workforce needs, infrastructure needs, tax reform and regulations and education and training.
Our New Directions initiative is aimed at making the case that manufacturing can and should be prioritized as key economic driver of Maryland’s future economy. Maryland’s educated workforce and influential R&D culture all support opportunities for significant growth in manufacturing. This new initiative solidifies that NOW is the time for Maryland to fully mobilize its manufacturing assets and draw the newly unemployed into our industry, so our State can come roaring back bigger and better than ever!
Going forward, RMI and the Sage Policy Group will be assembling a coalition of manufacturing leaders to help shape the dialogue as we engage Maryland’s influencers. To join join us for the cause, email rmi@comcast.net.
Here are the recordings for the New Directions for Maryland Manufacturing Webinars
1.COVID-19 Impact: What are the challenges and opportunities for Maryland manufacturing?
2. Manufacturing Reshoring: Is there likely to be a movement toward re-shoring industrial production to the U.S. in general and Maryland in particular?
3. Growing Maryland Manufacturing: What steps would policymakers need to take with respect to education, training, infrastructure and taxation to promote more rapid manufacturing growth during the years ahead?
4.Maryland Manufacturing Focus Group: Over recent months, RMI & Sage Policy Group have presented several webinars detailing the current manufacturing landscape and delving into discussions on ways the State Legislature can make manufacturing a priority in Maryland’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Through a combination of statistical data sharing and participant polling and discussion (via Zoom Chat feature), this program provided Maryland manufacturers with the opportunity to share and discuss their ideas with Economist Anirban Basu on what they need to navigate today’s challenges and succeed and grow in the future. Participation was limited to MANUFACTURERS ONLY and partners/sponsors of this particular program.
Questions? Email rmi@comcast.net