General Motors Community Foundation Presents RMI with a $10,000 check to support RMI’s Techtonic Shift Initiative to attract STEM students to Careers in Manufacturing

From Right to Left: Mike Galiazzo, RMI President, Erin Spitzer, Human Resources Manager, GM Baltimore Operations, Maryland Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford, Suzy Ganz, Vice Chair, RMI Board of Directors, Aris Melissaratos, Chair, RMI Board of Directors

Erin D Spitzer, Global Human Resources, Manufacturing Baltimore Operations presented RMI with a check for $10,000 from the General Motors Community Foundation. Spitzer said, “RMI has been a great advocate in promoting manufacturing and showcasing the industry to students.” General Motors, like most advanced manufacturing companies, need STEM students to fill positions in manufacturing. The funds supported students attending the May 3 Techtonic Shift and RMI’s future efforts to connect STEM students to next-generation Maryland manufacturing.

Project Lead the way Students from Catonsville High School at the GM- Baltimore Operations exhibit. The students were given a class assignment to speak with manufacturers about their class project design ideas. Joining the students was Baltimore County Superintendent Verletta White and  Michael Grubbs, BCPS Coordinator of Career and Technology Education.