Jesse Christopher
Longeviti Neuro Solutions
Baltimore City

Jesse Christopher is a pioneer in cranial reconstruction technology with more than 20 years of medical device industry experience. In 2014, with a team of leading medical device industry executives, neurosurgeons, plastic surgeons, and biomedical engineers, he co-founded Longeviti with a mission to develop innovative solutions for complex brain surgery. These solutions, developed and manufactured in Maryland, return patients to anatomical normalcy while providing innovative functional neurotechnology. The Longeviti team collaborates with industry and academia to develop and commercialize implantable neurosurgical devices. As CEO, Jesse is passionate about creating a scalable company that really helps people.

Jesse serves on Governor Wes Moore’s Life Science Advisory Board through Maryland’s Department of Commerce and on the Greater Baltimore Council. He has earned the attention of politicians, scientists, and investors, putting the spotlight onto Maryland's manufacturing ecosystem.  Longeviti was recently featured in The New York Times, in Science Translational Medicine medical research journal, on Fox News, and in local outlets like WJZ and WBFF.

Under Jesse’s leadership, with initial TEDCO funding support, Longeviti brought several FDA-cleared implants to market. Committed to starting and growing the company in Maryland, he and his leadership team moved operations - white lab coats, clean rooms, artists and designers - to the Baltimore Peninsula. He built a powerhouse Board of Directors, and he and fellow team and Board members travel to conferences around the world to educate neurosurgeons on the latest technology to help patients thrive, thus helping Maryland shine as a bright star in the medical industry.

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